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We want to be more than just a church, more than just a building where people come to fulfill a Sunday obligation.  We want to be family–a caring, sharing, extended family whose members offer love, patience, and support to one another.  We want to fill the void in people’s lives who wish to reach out to others but who are afraid or unsure of how to do so.  Winnwood is dedicated to succeeding in this area.


We are also committed to strengthening individual families–the home–which we feel is the foundation of our society.  We encourage and challenge one another to become all that God wants us to be.  We want to create a place where we can serve the Lord and others in a warm, caring fellowship; a place where worship and Bible study are enjoyable and meaningful to all ages.



Spiritual growth at Winnwood comes from the practical teaching of Biblical precepts, the spontaneity of worship services as well as the fun, laughter and joy of our family atmosphere.


We are confident that a meaningful relationship with God and others through Jesus Christ is the only answer to the world’s problems.  We believe it is also the greatest, most meaningful and fulfilling way to live.

WBC Exists to Expand God's Kingdom by...

Worship - Focusing on God

Discipleship - Developing Believers

Education - Proclaiming Biblical Truth

Missions - Impacting The World Around Us

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